Friday 27 November 2009


Friday 27th November to Sunday 29th November 2009

Whats MPR?! Humm good question...i never thought of it....hummm, I'll ask a team about it....oooh I've got it!

Its *Midweek Pre-Review*

Oh of course....i do remember now ;) hee hee! That's mean that's the middiet of term, from Oct to Jan...Pertol 1, see how we felt about our counterparts and host homes etc. And how did we give + and - about them.

It was Cindy, Lottie and Abi's rescpertion for sort out those weekend and also MPR. 

We went to B'ham for the weekend, we were staying a hostel called * * and it was so cool! I had share the room with Kul, Redmond, his counterpart Binyay and Sanu- the Nepal interpreter. Our 'neightbour' was the girls. i was often to drop down at their house and have a chat with them. Much better than talking about footballs! *Yawn* lol! 

 We were told we have to write down how we felt about our counterparts.

So, at first i have to be honest about me and Kul.....we all know we wasn't getting on well with each other at first cos at first i thought he was so quiet and i was loud. I was so chatterbox, and i was hoping he would be too...but nope, he just liked to watch TV which was fair enough as in Nepal he doesn't have one which i understand. But then it would be nice if i getting know him bit more. He was very stubborn, it just his way and i have to accept it. 

I gave him + that he is very good cleaning in the house and always helpful people. Like if the Nepalese people didn't understand us and Kul is always be there for them and make sure they understand. He is kind and helpful. I do believed he is very good to help people. I gave him - that he wasn't listen at me what I was trying to explain to him and wont do when he was told. He didn't like to be told. He believed that he is older than me and he should be one who tell me what I do. Its just Nepal culture. That's what he brought up.

In the end, i asked him what did he think of + and -...that's all he told me i was very good helpful and always think of them before me. (To be honest i cant remember more!) and i asked him what about - he told me its nothing about me and i told him i must have but nope. Wow! That's make me realised he was a good man.

On Saturday, we went to Wolves for Deafest, we have to be volunteers at deafest....but to be honest, we didn't do much really as we were so much fun to be with old people and new people. Kul was with some of a hearing person...i cannot remember who....any idea who he was with? 

I do remember that my dear friend Jenna, i knew her though a friend from Bristol, we were just on the fire! I was so pleased to see Jenna and had a so much catch up with our news. She was helping with Rita....Moona's counterpart, Rita does loves Jenna and also did Jenna. Bless them as they trying to understand each other with different languages. I never forget, when Jenna was lost Rita somewhere, Jenna was so upset and was worried about her and keep asking everyone 'Where is Rita?' til she found Rita was with Moona and her sister. Jenna is now uni in Wolves for become the teacher. I do proud of her cos she will never give up her dream. 

And of course see Verity, my darling NDCS friend, she was volunteer as well at Deafest. And other one as well....Sarah!! :) It was Cindy, me and Ola's friend, she came down all the way from Derby for just see us. Bless her! 

Oooo of course Lottie and i had met two famous good-looking guys.....who, where and how?! * *
In the end, i was so drunk and dance all the night, it was bit embarrassed cos Carolyn saw me to doing bit silly but finally she think it was funny! Phew! 
It was so brilliant day and night! I was so glad that Nepali enjoy too and finally met new people. Ooo Of course they had meet their old dear friends from Nepal who had moved here from Nepal a few years ago. It was so great to see them so happy to see some of Nepali girls. 

On Sunday

Ouch....hangover!! I knew i couldn't be drinking really but ah well, i always say 'i'll never drinking again!!' But then always in the end, i stand up drinking, eh! :) hee hee!

We doing some of MPR as was a good day cos we did some of games which was so funny! 'How well do you know your counterpart' WOW! It was silly questions really, stuff like 'What is Kul's fav colour?' 'How many Kul's shoes got?' etc but it was a good game! :)

Finally we get Minibus on the way to back Preston!

Well done, Lottie, Cindy and Abi, you done a brilliant weekend....we would never do that if it were you! So Well done, girls! :)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, that is a good read.
    you descrive it as exactly as how id remembered it, thank you!
    shame that you had a hangover on sunday, you did ask for it, :P xox
    ps i want to do it ALL again, do you?!
    miss DGX too much!!
