Saturday 31 October 2009


It was brilliant night - everyone join in the party and everyone was enjoy themselves. 

Bless Nepali group, look at them, it was their first Halloween party :-
Look at me, what a bad witch! 

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Host home in Broughton

Urike Zeshan

27th October 2009

When we arrive in DeafWay first, we were waitng for Ulrike to come first, i was bit nervous and see what our host home would be like. And Kul was just relax and not too worried.

Thats funny that Kul and i was so opption and still are!
Kul were bit stubborn, relax, quiet, axe and personal.
I was like, open minded, fanatical, doubt, rushing and sentient.

Anyway, When Urike arrived in Deafway, i was thought she was india woman as Carloyn told me one of them were India and Germany....i thought Urike were india cos of her name but really she was german...Oops! I realised her husband was India...(really he is from Phillippens cos i was told he was india and realised i was wrong and he is from Phillippens) When Urike started sign language.....i couldn't understand her cos she used International Sign Language

Urike took me and Kul to Broughton for first time...i was so exctied and see whats our host home would be like.

When I arrive at Urike's house, wow, it was so cool, so different from my own house in Cornwall, my parents is very fussy at their house, must be clean, and must be tidy up after you finish the dinner or whatever. Urike is so different, she was so laid back, didnt too worried about anything, of course we have to tidy up but not too perfect, which was good for me beacuse i was smiler to my parents. My dad is bit worse than Mum, cos Dad grew up with her blind mother, dad must have to tidy the house so Nan dont have to fall over that she couldn't see anything. Thats why we grew up and told we have to tidy up the house.
Urike's house was so full of different stuff.

We arrive in our bedroom, it was so big, it had a big TV, two had a bunkbed and also it had wash hand basin, with fridge.
It was a good enough for both of us.

We were looking around with Urike...til we were told we not allowed to go in the living room because she is too busy with her paperworks and create her own books.
We understand and respect her.

I was told, im not allowed to eat the meat or pork at house as they are vegetarain and also Kul. I was only one who eat the meat! I was so moody i couldn't eat the meat at home....i keep thinking 'My favourite lasagne of my mother cooked' But then, i was happy to eat the pasta. Kul loves rice so much, most of nights he cooked the rice...after i teach him how to cook.

I teach him everything, cook, kettle, wash up, dishwasher, microwave and washing machine. He learned so fast, i was so pleased. He can cooked the dinner for me.

The bus was only three minutes from our host home. And the bus was only 20 mins away from Preston, we have to take two different buses to Deafway from Broughton.

Sadly, we were told we have to moved on 27th November 2009 because we were told someone will move in our room so we have to move out.
Where will we live?! Dont want to be homeless!!!! ;)

Ps Urike, thank you so much for having me and Kul at your house for a month, we really having a good time at your house. Thanks again. :)

Friday 23 October 2009

My Work Counterpart

Babaita Paudel

Babita who was my work counterpart for six months. she lives in Biratnager, but then she grew up at Deaf School in Kathmandu. She now studies in college. She born on January 11th 1990. She got a older Deaf sister but then she got hearing parents and brother. She was great to be with for work, we were really close and supported each other, I wouldn't change her for the world.

Does she look so beautiful?

Thursday 22 October 2009

DGX Family


Dec 2009

Programme Susproisiors

Carolyn Denmark

 Dipawali Sharma

My Counterpart

Kul Prasad Bhattarai

I have been with him as my counterpart for all the six months. He live in Kathmandu at Nepal but he had been gew up with his family in Syangja. He has two sisters and two brothers. He was only deaf in the family so he had been hearing til he was a 11 year old cos of his illness so it made him deaf. He went to stay at home for two years without school til his father had found a Deaf School in Kathmandu for him. Right now he work for Nepal Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NFDH). He teaching Nepali Sign Language (NSL) Now he had a girlfriend called Sobita who was also invocled in DGX. We were so different people...I was so wild boy and open minded, and talk a lot. Kul is very private person, quiet and didnt talk very much. It was so challenaged to me a lot, at first we wasn't that close very much, I was trying to talk him and get him talk back. Til we arrive in Nepal, oh my god, we were just so close and talk every night when we were eating our dinner, he suppored me while i was sick and illness, he was so brilliant to me, i learned so much from him, he is very cleaver boy and say whats he think not matter what. I quite liked that. I do miss him even he was pain in the neck, and i do think of him every day even in my dream when i saw him and i just ran to him and give him BIG hug!

                                      Our first Photo together in Deafway Oct 2009

Nepali Volunteers

Babita Poudel

Binaya Shrestha

Gunjana Khadka

Jamuna Shrestha

Kul P. Bhattarai

Priyanka Subedi

Rita Sapakota

Shikha Pradhan

Sobita Poudel

British Volunteers

Abigail Gorman

Amy Davis

Cindy Marie Veerasamy

Deirdre Maguire

Lottie Powell


Moona Mohammed

Ola Geisler

Redmond Kaye

Monday 19 October 2009

Deaf Global Exchange

I will be away for Six Months for Deaf Global Exchange.

Im going to Preston on 22nd October 2009 for three months til 15th Januray 2010 I'm off to Nepal for other months til 9th April then we will be back in UK.

I'm so exctied and really looking forward to be away for Six months!

Monday 5 October 2009

Welcome to My Blog

Hello Everyone....

I just want to say Welcome to my Blog....for now...It's will be about Deaf Global ExChange from October 2009 til April 2010

I hope you enjoy read it and photos.

